Lago Vista Neighbor Summer Reading Program 2017
Data on 43 CWP students who participated in our Lago Vista Neighbor Summer Reading Program
- 93% (40/43) of those who participated maintained or improved their reading level:
- 65% of participants improved their reading level
- 28% of participants maintained their reading level
- .07% of participants decreased their reading level
- Of the 40 students who maintained or improved:
- 27.5% (11) raised their reading level a full grade level. They attended an average of 60% of program.
- 12.5% (5) raised their reading level half a grade level. They attended an average of 53.2% of program.
- 30% (12) raised their reading level a quarter of a grade. They attended an average of 61.75% of program.
- 30%(12) maintained their reading level. No summer slide. They attended an average of 57.25% of program.
- 72.5% of those who attended 50% or more of the program maintained or improved their reading level.
- 27.5% of those who attended less than 50% of the program maintained or improved their reading level.